Book Reviews Archive 2006
John O'Sullivan on Paul Belien's A Throne in Brussels: Britain, the Saxe-Coburgs and the Belgianization of Europe (January 6, 2006)
Peter Baker on Edvard Radzinsky's Alexander II: The Last Great Tsar (January 10, 2006)
Emily Carter Roiphe and Ellen Emry Heltzel on Robert Alexander's Rasputin's Daughter (January 13/20, 2006)
Lucy Hughes-Hallett on Hugo Vickers's Elizabeth: The Queen Mother, Charles Higham's Mrs Simpson: Secret lives of the Duchess of Windsor, and Gyles Brandeth's Charles and Camilla: Portrait of a love affair (January 18, 2006)
The Economist, Antonia Fraser, Jennie Bond, John de Falbe, and William Grimes on Stella Tillyard's A Royal Affair: George III and His Troublesome Siblings (January 26/29 / February 4/5 / December 27, 2006)
The Economist and James Sharpe on Edward Vallance's The Glorious Revolution: 1688--Britain's Fight for Liberty and Tim Harris's Revolution: The Great Crisis of the British Monarchy, 1685-1720 (February 2 / 12, 2006)
John Adamson and Helen Castor on Ian Mortimer's The Perfect King: The Life of Edward III, Father of the English Nation (February 19 / March 5, 2006)
William Anthony Hay on Leanda de Lisle's After Elizabeth: The Rise of James of Scotland and the Struggle for the Throne of England (February 26, 2006)
Jane Stevenson and Amy Mathieson on Virginia Rounding's Catherine the Great (March 12 / 25, 2006)
Kate Colquhoun and Miranda Seymour on Jerry Brotton's The Sale of the Late King's Goods (April 9, 2006)
Daniel Hannan and Helen Castor on David Horspool's Why Alfred Burned the Cakes (May 21 / July 2, 2006)
Allan Massie on Adrian Goldsworthy's Caesar: The Life of a Colossus (June 11, 2006)
Marcus Nevitt on Diane Purkiss's The English Civil War (June 18, 2006)
Frances Wilson on Jane Robins's Rebel Queen: The Trial of Caroline (June 18, 2006)
Merle Rubin on Jonathan Petropoulos's Royals and the Reich: The Princes von Hessen in Nazi Germany (July 2, 2006)
Robert Stewart and Malcolm Gaskill on Patrick Dillon's The Last Revolution: 1688 and the Creation of the Modern World (July 22 / August 13, 2006)
Ben Wilson on Daniel Szechi's 1715: The Great Jacobite Rebellion (July 22, 2006)
Fernando Cervantes on J. H. Elliott's Empires of the Atlantic World: Britain and Spain in America 1492-1830 (August 2, 2006)
Bernard Cornwell on Carolyne Larrington's King Arthur's Enchantresses: Morgan and Her Sisters in Arthurian Tradition (August 12, 2006)
Paul Gray on Christina Hardyment's Mallory: The Knight Who Became King Arthur's Chronicler (August 20, 2006)
Peter Kemp on CJ Sansom's Sovereign (August 20, 2006)
Virginia Rounding, Munro Price and Megan Marshall on Antonia Fraser's Love and Louis XIV: The Women in the Life of the Sun King (August 20 / October 15, 2006)
Richard Overy and Patrick Wright on Christopher Clark's Iron Kingdom: The Rise and Downfall of Prussia, 1600-1947 (August 21 / September 9, 2006)
Suzanne D'Amato and Mary Ann Grossmann on Caroline Weber's Queen of Fashion: What Marie Antoinette Wore to the Revolution (October 8, 2006)
Virginia Rounding on Maureen Waller's Sovereign Ladies: the Six Reigning Queens of England (November 12, 2006)
Simon Jenkins and Saul David on David Starkey's Monarchy: From the Middle Ages to Modernity (November 12 / 19, 2006)
Kenneth Rose on King's Counsellor: Abdication and War - the Diaries of 'Tommy' Lascelles ed by Duff Hart-Davis (December 24, 2006)
Book Reviews