Dates and Locations of SKCM USA National Masses since 1999 (350th anniversary)

January 25, 2025All Saints CathedralAlbany, NY
January 27, 2024AdventBoston, MA
January 28, 2023St. Barnabas CathedralDunwoody, GA
January 29, 2022TrinityClarksville, TN
January 30, 2021St. Timothy'sWinston-Salem, NC
February 1, 2020St. Paul's CathedralSpringfield, IL
January 26, 2019Nashotah HouseNashotah, WI
January 27, 2018St. Timothy (closed 2023)Fort Worth, TX
January 28, 2017S. Clement'sPhiladelphia, PA
January 30, 2016Holy CommunionCharleston, SC
January 31, 2015ResurrectionNew York, NY
January 25, 2014St Vincent's CathedralBedford, TX
January 26, 2013All Saints AshmontBoston, MA
January 28, 2012All SaintsAppleton, WI
May 7, 2011
ResurrectionNew York, NY
January 29, 2011St. Paul's K St.Washington, DC
May 29, 2010
St. BarnabasOmaha, NE
January 30, 2010Grace & St. Peter'sBaltimore, MD
January 31, 2009S. Stephen'sProvidence, RI
January 26, 2008Mount CalvaryBaltimore, MD
January 27, 2007S. Clement'sPhiladelphia, PA
January 28, 2006Holy CommunionCharleston, SC
January 29, 2005ResurrectionNew York, NY
January 31, 2004Guardian AngelsLantana, FL
February 1, 2003St. Paul's K St.Washington, DC
January 26, 2002TransfigurationNew York, NY
January 27, 2001St. John the EvangelistNewport, RI
January 29, 2000Ascension & St. AgnesWashington, DC
January 30, 1999S. Clement'sPhiladelphia, PA

Church of the Advent, Boston (2024)

St. Timothy Church, Fort Worth (2018)

S. Clement's Church, Philadelphia (2017)

St. Vincent's Cathedral, Bedford (Fort Worth) (2014)

St. Barnabas Church, Omaha (May 2010)

Church of the Holy Communion, Charleston (2006)

Church of the Transfiguration, New York (2002)

The first four SKCM masses I attended: New York 2002, Charleston 2006; Omaha (May) 2010, Fort Worth 2014

The Roman Anglican: Charles, King and Martyr (2015)
Boston Globe 2001 article on SKCM


Royal Martyrs