Steven Greydanus, National Catholic Register, Not Goblins and Orcs This Time: 'Gimli' Defends Western Civilization (December 15, 2003) (FR)
Steven Greydanus, Decent Films, ROTK: Filmmakers contemplate journey, significance of books and films (December 2003)
Jeffrey Overstreet, interview with John Rhys-Davies (December 2003) (FR)
Steve Beard, National Review, Tolkien & Civilization (December 17, 2003) (FR)
ic Wales: Welsh star in race row (January 18, 2004) (FR)
WorldNetDaily: Priest fined for speaking against Islam (scroll down) (January 19, 2004) (FR)
Robin Corkery, VDARE letter, Gimli agrees with "British reader" (January 20, 2004)
Guardian: Rings star sparks rumpus over race (February 1, 2004)